Sometimes things happen in our lives that make us ask “what if?” We look back a choice we made in the past—maybe it was big, or maybe it was small—and follow each thread of possibility to the present moment, marveling at just how different our life might be now if we had chosen another path back then.
Mary and Francesco’s relationship was born from one of those “what if” moments. Mary had lived all her life on the East Coast until she made the difficult decision to leave her community of family and friends in Rhode Island and pursue a career opportunity in California. She had no idea that that decision would also lead her to Francesco and their eventual shared life together. She simply followed her heart and went all in.
On the morning of their wedding, Francesco greeted us at the door wearing a cast on his recently sprained ankle. He had also gone all in, in a game at a party for their two families a few days earlier.
Whether it was because of the ibuprofen, the care and nurturing of his family as they spent the morning lovingly preparing a meal for the groomsmen, or his love for Mary and excitement to be married to her, we can’t say. But we can say that in no way did that sprained ankle hamper the joy and warmth surrounding the day’s events. Each piece unfolded just as it was meant to, with love, with intention, with meaning.
Thank you, both, for the gentle reminder. Let’s not be afraid to go all in.
