When Maggie and Karti told us their wedding day was starting with a 7:30am hike, we were in, knowing full well it would be our longest day of shooting on record. We met them that morning with a pack of their dearest friends, and after a couple of cappuccinos lovingly pulled for us by Karti, we set out for a walk in the woods. We got lost, were found, forged the river (okay, stream) with newborn babies in tow, and watched as little ones were passed from arm to arm, lovingly cared for not just by their parents but by the tight-knit group of friends and family Maggie and Karti had brought together to celebrate with them.
As the day continued on, we felt privileged to witness so many moments of connection between all of those present: tiny hands clasping big ones, unabashed affection between friends, and an electric connection between Maggie and Karti as they vowed to walk through life together from that day onward. It was truly a beautiful experience to witness so much love being expressed openly between people, and to be welcomed and embraced as part of their warm and joyful community.
We were sun-kissed and starry-eyed and really, really tired as we made our way up the gravel path to begin the journey back home after sixteen hours of shooting. But it was totally worth it.
